Logical-Arts Votes


Inserting Votes into an article will be done with the tag "lartsvotes" like "{ lartsvotes ...}".

Options can be set globaly at the component configuration, but also inside the tag. This will result in overwriting the global settings.

E.g. "{ lartsvotes size="20" tag="testvotes3" colorfg="rgb(0,0,255)" colorbg="rgb(0,0,0)" }"



Tag Description Value-Type
tag The tag key defines the value under that all vote will be counted. You do not have to setup a key at the component. If the key does not exist, lartsvotes will create a new database entry with this key name. Text
size Size of the stars pixel
colorfg The color of the rated stars. color
colorbg The color of the stars unrated. color
show_rating If set, the current rating will be also shown -
show_comments Shows comments (optional with the max count of last comments. E.g. 'show_comments="5"' max count
show_stars Set to explicit hide/show stars in front of comments bool
comments_min_rating select only comments equal or better the rating 1-5
mail_comment if set, a mail with the comment will be sent to the specified address at the global options  
vote Choose the way in which the user can cast their vote "simple" or "dialog"
show_beams Shows the votes, broken down by number of stars -
beams_width The with of the beams element pixel / percent






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